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Powering Through Peaks: How DC Chargers with Integrated Energy Storage Systems Cut Costs at Public Charging Stations

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Welcome to our latest exploration where we delve into the innovative realm of DC chargers integrated with energy storage systems: a game-changer for public charging. This read promises professional insights, aimed at describing how You can cut costs at a public charging station with the help of energy storage systems.

High-Level Introduction to the Product and Topic

In the rapidly evolving landscape of electric mobility, the quest for efficient, cost-effective charging solutions has led to significant innovations. One such breakthrough is the use of energy storage systems, coupled with public charging. Our take on this is the Ultra-fast charger with an integrated 200 kWh energy storage system.

DC charger with integrated energy storage system

This technology not only promises to revolutionize the way we power our electric vehicles but also addresses the pressing challenge of fluctuating energy costs. By marrying the capabilities of direct current (DC) charging with the resilience of energy storage, we're looking at a future where public charging stations can deliver power more reliably and economically. But what makes this integration so crucial in today's context? Let's dive deeper.

The Challenge with Variable Pricing and Public Charging

Variable pricing in the energy market is a double-edged sword. While it offers lower costs during off-peak hours, typically at night, it can skyrocket during peak demand times—early mornings and late afternoons to evenings. This fluctuation mirrors the charging patterns at public stations, where the demand for juice in EV batteries surges precisely when energy prices peak.

Variable electricity prices and charging demand at a public chargin site
Variable electricity prices and charging demand at a public chargin site

This synchrony between peak charging demand and high energy prices presents a significant hurdle for charge point operators, straining operational costs and challenging the sustainability of offering public charging solutions.

The Opportunity of Adding an Energy Storage System into the Mix

Herein lies the silver lining: integrating an energy storage system with DC chargers (stand-alone or embedded, like ours). This approach is more than just a workaround; it's a strategic move to harness energy when it's cheapest and supply it during peak hours when EV charging demand is also high.

Optimizing variable price with energy storage at a public charging site
Optimizing variable price with energy storage at a public charging site

By charging the storage system overnight during low-demand periods, and then using this stored energy to charge EVs during the day, operators can significantly reduce their exposure to high energy prices. Moreover, with energy markets in Europe witnessing extreme volatility, including instances of negative pricing, the opportunity to 'buy' energy at negative prices and sell it back (in the form of EV charging) during high-demand periods is an enticing prospect. This not only cushions operators from price spikes but also turns a potential cost center into a revenue stream.


This section will be dedicated to the specific calculations outlining the potential savings and benefits of utilizing an energy storage systems at a public charging site for price optimization.

In the table below, we have calculated an example of operational costs with the following assumptions:

  • Charging 200 kWh each day

  • Swedish (SE3) prices for energy only (not including taxes, transmission or levies)

  • Max case: having to charge at peak variable price hours each day

  • Average case: hacing to charge at average daily hours each day

  • Min case: using an energy storage system to always charge at the lowest daily price

  • Comparison with fixed fee: cost (including margins) of charging with a 3y average fixed fee contract (0,1€ / kWh)



Total yearly consumption

71.4 MWh

Total cost, charging on peak price hours

6530 EUR (Nordpool only)

Total cost, average daily price

3780 EUR (Nordpool only)

Total cost, lowest daily price

1810 EUR (Nordpool only)

Total cost, average fixed fee contract (3y)

7140 EUR (Energy only)

From the calculations it is clear that utilizing an energy storage system to optimize cost of electricity at a public charging site creates value to the charge point operator:

  • Lower risk of price volatility and regulatory changes forcing new price models for public chargers

  • Competitive edge from higher margins

  • Lower public charging price for customers

Contact Us for More

Are you intrigued by the possibilities that energy storage systems can offer to your public charging operations? Do you wish to delve deeper into how this technology can be tailored to your specific needs, potentially transforming your operational dynamics? We're here to enlighten, guide, and assist. Contact us to explore how we can navigate this electrifying journey together, ensuring that your move towards sustainable charging solutions is both economically and environmentally sound.


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